All India National Level
EdTech Olympiads - 2024
- Math Olympiad (QBTC)
- Drawing Olympiad (PPDC)
- Math & Computer Olympiad (MCTC)
- Organized by EdTech Platform
EdTech Olympiads
Why Choose Olympiads for Your Kids?
Embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary and propels your children towards academic greatness. The Olympiad experience is not just about competition; it's about unlocking the full potential of your kids and preparing them for a future where excellence knows no bounds.
Nurturing Intellectual Curiosity
embracing the challenges
Promoting Critical Thinking
striving for excellence
Building Confidence & Resilience
discovery, growth, success
Inspiring a Sense of Achievement
seizing the opportunities
Choose your best Olympiad
Academic competitions for students from kindergarten to 12th grade covering subjects like math, science, computer, and more.
They foster critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a love for learning. Plus, they open doors to scholarships and opportunities.
A wide range including math, science, computer, arts, and social studies.
They go beyond the standard curriculum, emphasizing critical thinking and creativity.
By encouraging, providing resources, and offering emotional support.
Yes, we offer prizes, certificates, or scholarships to top performers. The rewards can vary, so it’s advisable to check the specific details outlined by each competition.
For Schools, Institutes and Business
Membership Registration
Get a digital certificate with a Unique Membership ID (MID) for your school's students to use in our events, olympiads, workshops etc. Your students have the opportunity to win trophies, certificates, cash vouchers, and gain national-level recognition.